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Meeting/Event Scheduling


Please follow these written directions and it is important not to contact the Pastor directly for event scheduling.  Scheduling is done with pastoral consultation by calendar availability and urgency/priority (set by the Office of our Pastor).

NOTICE FOR GGM Department and Auxiliary Meetings & Events:

  • GGM Department & Auxiliary and Old Landmark District Meetings require only the completion of the Building Use Request Form.

 No fees are required.

  • GGM Department & Auxiliary and Old Landmark District Events require the completion of the Building Use Request Form and the Building Use AGREEMENT which is available through the Event Coordinator who will contact you.  

No fees are required.  


NOTICE FOR Individual Members and Non-Members Meetings & Events:


  • Individual Members & Non-Members Meetings & Events require the completion of the Building Use Request Form and the Building Use AGREEMENT which is available through the Event Coordinator who will contact you.   

Fees are required.


  1. Submit the on-line Reservation Form (on this page)

  2. Availability of the desired space will be confirmed to you and placed on the GGM Calendar within 48 hours.

  3. If applicable, the full event "Building Use Agreement" (which is available through the Event Coordinator who will contact you) with signatures and the cleanup list along with the full $100 Reservation Deposit/Damage Deposit is required immediately to hold the facility

  4. If applicable, payment in full of all Rental Fees, are due within 5 working days prior to the event date.

The Sanctuary (with Parking Lot) on the main floor is used for weddings, funerals, services, meetings, etc. without refreshments
The GGM Fellowship Area downstairs is available for larger groups desiring to hold a banquet, reception or event.
The Kitchen is available for GGM members and church use, personal use, business use, and to non-member organizations catered by an approved, licensed caterer.

All Offices & Founders Legacy Hall are secured rooms and CLOSED TO PREVIOUSLY UNCOMMITTED USE & RENTAL.  


NOTE:  All Department Meetings, Auxiliary Meetings, Gatherings, Dinners, etc. will be held in the Fellowship Hall, in the Sanctuary Proper or  in the Sanctuary Overflow Area.

BUILDING USE FEE SCHEDULE (for NON- GGM Department and GGM Auxiliary events):
The fee schedule is, with the exception of GGM Departments and GGM Auxiliaries, for all individuals / groups / organizations  requesting to use the facility on a 6-hour time block (including set-up and clean-up time).  Fees are due 10 working  days prior to the Event Date or reservation is cancelled (without return of Deposit).  This fee schedule is available through the Event Coordinator who will contact you.


​Insurance:  As a mission service of Greater Glory Ministries, Church of God in Christ, the User is covered under the insurance of the Church at no additional cost to the User.

Damage:  The User is responsible for any damages occurring to the church property including all buildings, parking lots, gate, and garden areas as a result of their usage.  Proper repair or replacement of damaged church property is to be authorized in writing beforehand by the Church.

​​Indemnification:  Except as prohibited by law, all users, individuals, groups, and organizations agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Greater Glory Ministries, Church of God in Christ; its Pastor; its Trustees/Officers; its staff; its employees and volunteers; its members; guests, invitees, and agents for any and all personal and/or property damage, loss or liability including your costs and attorney’s fees of any kind that may arise out of use or occupancy of the Greater Glory Ministries facility and property by User, its employees, members, guests, invitees, and agents.


​​All requesting or cancelling must follow all directions on this page.  Any GGM Member/Department/Auxiliary submitting a request must have that Department Leaders pre-approval.  The Department Leader will be contacted by Administration to verify approval and to discuss the request.

  • All event requests must be made through this website form.

  • After submitting your request, please allow 48 hours to receive your request response from our volunteer administration staff.  Many requests come in at various times of the day, and all must be considered to make the best decisions - many, such as funerals and pre-paid events, often take priority.  Also, we must account for emergencies, vacations, etc of staff, therefore the more time you give in submitting your request form prior to your desired event date the better.  

  • Any phone calls and texts regarding your request will not be received.  Personal contacts will be redirected back to this website page.​


Thank you so much and we look forward to working with your wonderful event!  (An incomplete form below will not be accepted by the GGM Offices.)

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